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Welcome to my librarianship space
The aim of this blog is to take you on my ICT class journey as I discover new information, new technologies in the world of work in particular librarianship spaces.  Come journey with me as we move to the 21st century library landscape.

07 March 2017

Web 1.0 Vs 2.0

As the world changes and progress, so are technologies that support and meets the needs of it citizen.

In today's class we covered major differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0.

Below are notable differences:-

Web 1.0
  • Read only, static web & use HTML language 
  • Works by linking webpages and hyperlink
  • Focuses on the companies homepages
  • Companies own content and portals 
  • Examples include shopping carts, personal website, Netscape

Web 2.0

It refers to a perceived or proposed second generation of internet based service that emphasis online collaboration and sharing among users. (O'Reilly Media,2004)

  • Allows social collaborative, interactive and responsive web, uses micro blogging practice, which allows short frequent posts
  • Focuses on communities
  • Users dont have to search for news content, as content get delivered on users gadget via RSS feeds and through clicking likes and community followings
  • Examples include google, blog/wikis, social network, twitter, face book, yahoo, you tube


Knowledge pills Ltd.n.d. Understanding the technological trends:What is web 2.0?  [28 March 2017]


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